Reisemobil Intensiv Training Headerbild


Motorhome Driver Training Ladies only

Ladies behind the wheel. The complete package with special driving training, catering, overnight accommodation, and optional partner program.

Logo Forster
Logo Eura Mobil
Logo Reisemobil Forum
2 days
Incl. driver training, parking space, food & drink

In cooperation with Reisemobil Forum we offer a special driver training to women motorhome drivers of the brands Eura Mobil and Forster  - exclusively for ladies.

Individual guidance by a qualified instructor is intended to gently overcome possible fears of the dimensions and of a motorhome’s unfamiliar driving behaviour. However, while training on our special site, fun is not missing out.

To accompanying partners we propose an attractive alternative program around the most famous race track in the world.


Currently no dates available


Day 1 / 10 am to 7 pm (dinner and ensuing overnight stay).
Day 2 / Departure until 10 am

Previous knowledge required


Participation requirements

Participation is reserved to women. Men can participate in the (optional) alternative program. Unfortunately, dogs, cats or other pets are not allowed.


Participation is reserved exclusively to women drivers of EURA MOBIL and FORSTER motorhomes.

Overnight accommodation

Parking space on the premises of the driving safety centre included in the offer

Food & Drink

Lunch buffet and evening buffet or barbecue buffet on the first day and bread/roll service on the second day included


Comprehensive support in a small group, individual support by expert instructors, theory lessons in the driving safety centre’s seminar room, practical skills training considering the special features of motorhomes (dimensions, driving behaviour, loading, etc.).

Partner program

Participation in the theory of driving techniques, guided walk along ring°boulevard up to the historic paddock, visit of ring°werk (entrance fee included), possibility to visit Nürburgring Shop, Lunch buffet and evening buffet or barbecue buffet included.

Services not included

Vehicle, drinks, entrance fees (partially)

Rate per person (incl. VAT)

Driver Training Ladies only: 299 €
Partner program: € 99